
Around the World

Regardless of how you enjoy your tea,
Onclicklogistics is a pro at transporting one
of the most popular drinks in the world.

Meeting the Global demand for Tea

After water, tea is the most consumed beverage worldwide. Up to 20 billion 6 oz. cups of tea are thought to be drank everyday on a global scale. Every year, more people drink tea, which is becoming more and more popular. This includes anything from gourmet and herbal blends to classic English breakfast blends. With local specialists in the major tea-producing areas, Onclicklogistics is an expert specialised tea transporter with experience.

Committed customer service staff
Solutions for door-to-door delivery for all sizes of enterprises
Excellent Port Coverage

Did you know?

India, Kenya and Sri Lanka are the main producing countries of tea and accounts for 75% of the global production.

Worldwide tea service

We make sure that the import and export of tea remains profitable. Onclicklogistic has a presence in 155 countries, including the world’s leading tea producers. We have dedicated trade services connecting the main exporting countries with the major tea market hubs worldwide. Onclicklogistic offer customers good availability of food grade containers, dedicated container depots and intermodal solutions, as well as staff trained in the details of tea transportation.

Fields to Cup

To prepare different types of tea for transportation with the highest level of care, our expert teams work closely with tea exporters, brokers and importers. Here at MSC, we provide the tools, gear, and flexibility needed by experts in the world’s tea supply chain, from specialised inland solutions to tea-stuffing and handling services. With a particular focus on the peak season of April, May and June, MSC leads the way in making the tea supply chain run as smoothly as possible.

Supporting the tea supply at every Stage

Every tea shipment is different, and its transportation needs attention and expertise of the highest level. We’ve also got your multimodal transport and handling needs of tea shipping covered, from pick-up to delivery. Our devoted specialists provide suitable and regionally relevant methods. We provide advice around shipment preparation and compliance with local regulations. If you have any questions about the cargo services we offer for shipping tea, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Taking the risk out of tea transportation

Tea delivery is a delicate operation. The raw materials must be gathered at the appropriate time of year. If it’s too late, the tea might lose quality while being transported. Tea may be stored well for up to 18 months, however in order to safeguard the commodities, special care must be taken at each stage of the exporting process. Any variety of factors, including moisture intrusion, odours, shrinkage, insufficient ventilation, insect infestation, or faulty cooperage, may cause tea to rot. At OnClickLogistics, we make sure that inspections are done at aeach stage of the tea’s journey.

Ensuring perfect conditions

Since tea travels throughout regions of the globe, ideal circumstances are required. For this reason, we transport tea in dry, food-grade containers that have the proper amount of controlled ventilation. We make sure the tea is always packed properly and that there are no dangers of cross-contamination due to wet floors. Chest linings made of aluminium or multiwall paper bags should be in direct touch with the tea. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries concerning the cargo services we provide for transporting tea.

Controlled atmosphere
Which countries produce the most tea?

In general, tea may be delivered 3–4 weeks after it is harvested, but if it is kept properly, you can wait up to 2–12 months before exporting tea.

How soon after it is harvested should tea be shipped?

Tea leaves should be packaged in multiwall paper bags coated with aluminium foil, polypropylene or jute sacks lined with polyethylene, or plywood chests lined with aluminium foil.

What are the best ways for packing tea for shipping?

In general, tea may be delivered 3–4 weeks after it is harvested, but if it is kept properly, you can wait up to 2–12 months before exporting tea.